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> Guided Tours in Mantua

Mantua was founded around 2000 b.C. along the Mincio river, on a sort of island among its waters that were used as a natural defensive system. In 6th century b.C. it became an Etruscan village. The name probably comes from Mantus, the Etruscan god of the underworld. The Romans conquered Mantua during the Punic wars. The famous Roman poet Virgil was born in Mantua. With the fall of Roman Empire Mantua was invaded by the German tribes: Goths, Longobards and Franks, and eventually became a possession of Canossa family, whose last ruler was the famous countess Matilde of Canossa (1115 a.D.).
In the Middle Ages Mantua was ruled by several families which became very important in the history and culture of Italy. The most important of these was the Gonzaga family that ruled Mantua from 1328 until 1708. The Gonzaga patronized the arts and culture and several important artists from different cities in Italy came to live in Mantua, among them Pisanello, Andrea Mantegna, Giulio Romano, making Mantua one of the capital of Renaissance painting and architecture with the Duomo, the Palazzo Ducale, the Magna Domus, the Palazzo del Capitano, the Palazzo Vescovile, the Castle of San Giorgio, the Palazzo Castiglioni, the, magnificent examples of typical Italian architecture. However, the most stunning representative building of Manua architecture is undoubtedly Palazzo Te. Palazzo del Te (1525-1535) was designed and decorated by Giulio Romano, heir of Raffaello, as a residential villa for Frederick II of Gonzaga.

Escorted Tours

  • Half day guided tour of Mantua. The tour includes a visit to city centre main sights: Saint Peter’s Cathedral, Ducal Palace (from outside), Sordello Square, Broletto Square, Erbe Square, the Rotonda of San Lorenzo, the merchant’s house, the Basilica of St. Andrew, Leon Battista Alberti square.
  • Half day guided tour of Mantua Ducal Palace and city centre. Our guides will take you to visit the inside of the magnificent palace.
  • Half day guided tour Palazzo Te and city centre. The guide will take you to Giulio Romano's masterpiece explaining all his secrets, the legends and stories behind its beautiful painted wall and ceiling.
  • Full day guided tour. The tour includes a thorough visit to Ducal Palace, Mantua city centre main sights and Palazzo Te.

For further information on Venice Tours guided itineraries in Mantua:


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